How does a Second Opinion work?

Schedule and Pay for Appointment
All major credit cards are accepted.
Note that the appointments are on Hawaiian time, not because I am in Hawaii, but mainly as a point of reference.
There is a no-refund policy for cancellations but re-scheduling is permitted if more than 24 hours.

Receive an e-mail questionnaire to prepare before the appointment
Typical questions will include:
Weight, height, age, medicines on, medicines tried, allergies, ability to exercise, other medical problems, family history, alcohol and cigarette use.
Specific questions, such as, if you have diabetes, how was it diagnosed and how long ago?
Anything else required to render a personalized second opinion.

Your appointment will be by Zoom.
You will receive a Zoom link before your appointment. For those with connectivity issues or those technologically challenged, we can always do the appointment by phone. Please advise ahead of time if there will be issues using Zoom so we do not lose valuable time during your appointment.
All recommendations are age and disability/ability adjusted
Typical recommendations might include but are not restricted to
Changing medicines from old to new diabetes medicines
Specific diet and exercise recommendations
Weight loss target with time frame
Likelihood of medication reduction
After the appointment, receive an email summarizing the appointment and with suggestions for your healthcare provider